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Subscribe each phone to MiaRec phone service

Open Cisco Unified Communications Manager administration web portal.

  1. Select the Device - Phone menu item.
  2. Select the desired phone/device.
  3. Select Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services from the "Related links" dropdown list.

    Subscribe/Unsubscribe Services

  4. In the new pop up window, select MiaRec from the list box.

  5. Click the Next button.

    Next Button

  6. Click the Subscribe button.

    Subscribe Button

  7. Verify that the phone subscribed to MiaRec phone service successfully and click the Save button. Then close this pop up window.

    Save Button

Now, after you save phone configuration and restart the phone, the MiaRec phone services should be available upon clicking the Services button on the phone.

[Optional] Use phone's line button for quick access to MiaRec phone services.

  1. Click the Modify Button Items in the Phone Configuration window.

    Phone Configuration

  2. Select the Add a new SURL from the list Unassigned Associated Items and click < button.

    Add a new SURL

  3. If you receive the error Must Remove An Item From Associated List Before This Operation is Allowed., then select one of unnecessary items in the list Associated Items and click V button.

    Associated Items

    Associated Items

  4. Select the Add a new SURL in the list Associated Items and click button ^ as many times as necessary to move it to the correct position. For example, if the phone has only 4 line buttons, then position should be from 1 to 4, otherwise the button will not be visible.

    Add a new SURL

  5. Click the Save button and close this pop up window.

  6. Click the newly created Add a new SURL link.

    Add a new SURL

  7. Select MiaRec from the list box and click Save button two times.

    Save Button

  8. Verify that MiaRec is shown on the line button. Save the phone configuration and click Apply Config (depending on phone firmware it may be necessary to restart the phone to apply changes).

Apply Config