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Searching by Metadata

You can use call attributes in MQL expressions.

For example, if you would like to search for a greeting phrase "Thank you for calling" for inbound calls only, then the expression can include $direction attribute, like in:

AGENT: "thank you for calling" AND $direction = inbound

Call attributes

Table 1. Support call attributes

Attribute Type Description Example
$caller-number text Caller party phone number $caller-number = "12345"
$called-number text Called party phone number $called-number ~ "866*
$caller-name text Caller party name $caller-name = "David Amado"
$called-name text Called party name $called-name != "David Amado"
$participant-number text Participant phone number (either caller or called party) $participant-number = "12345"
$participant-name text Participant phone name (either caller or called party) $participant-name = "David Amado"
$user-name text Name of the user, to whom the call is assigned $user-name = "David Amado"
$user-extension text Extension of the user, to whom the call is assigned $user-extension = "12345"
$user-id uuid ID of the user, to whom the call is assigned $user-id = "9ef4b87c-5446-499a-b712-44d3509c0576"
$group-name text Name of the group, to whom the call is assigned $group-name = "Sales Department"
$group-id uuid ID of the group, to whom the call is assigned $group-id = "9ef4b87c-5446-499a-b712-44d3509c0576"
$tenant-name text Name of the tenant, to whom the call is assigned $tenant-name = "West Coast"
$tenant-id uuid ID of the tenant, to whom the call is assigned $tenant-id = "9ef4b87c-5446-499a-b712-44d3509c0576"
$call-id uuid ID of the call $call-id = "9ef4b87c-5446-499a-b712-44d3509c0576"
$parent-call-id uuid ID of the parent call $parent-call-id = "9ef4b87c-5446-499a-b712-44d3509c0576"
$setup-time datetime Date and time of the call start time $setup-time >= "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
$duration timedelta Duration of the call $duration < "1:00"
$diretion text Direction of the call. One of "inbound", "outbound", "internal" and "uknown" $direction = inbound
$sentiment-score number Sentiment score of the call $sentiment-score < 0
$sentiment-agent-score number Sentiment score of agent side of the call $sentiment-agent-score < -50
$sentiment-customer-score number Sentiment score of customer side of the call $sentiment-agent-score >= 0
$sentiment-label text Sentiment score label of the call. One of "very-negative", "negative", "neutral", "positive", "very-positive" $sentiment-label = "very-negative"
$sentiment-agent-label text Sentiment score label of the call $sentiment-agent-label = "negative"
$sentiment-customer-label text Sentiment score label of the call $sentiment-customer-label = "positive"
$topic-name text Name of the topic, assigned to the call $topic-name = "Payment language"
$topic-id uuid ID of the topic, assigned to the call $topic-id = "9ef4b87c-5446-499a-b712-44d3509c0576"

Comparison operators

Table 2. Supported comparison operators for text attribute types

Comparison operator Description Example
= Equal to $caller-number = "12345"
== Equal to $caller-number == "12345"
: Equal to $caller-number: "12345"
!= Not equal to $caller-number != "12345"
<> Not equal to $caller-number <> "12345"
> Greater than (by alphabetical order) $topic-name > "1. Payment language"
>= Greater than or equal to (by alphabetical order) $topic-name >= "3. Shipping problem"
< Less than (by alphabetical order) $topic-name < "1. Payment language"
<= Less than or equal to (by alphabetical order) $topic-name <= "3. Shipping problem"
~ Simple pattern (case sensitive) $user-name ~ "John*"
~* Simple pattern (case insensitive) $user-name ~* "john*"
~~ Regex pattern (case sensitive) $phone-number ~~ "800[0-9]{6}"
~~* Regex pattern (case insensitive) $phone-name ~~* "(john|marry)"

Table 3. Supported comparison operators for number attribute types

Comparison operator Description Example
= Equal to $sentiment-score = 50
== Equal to $sentiment-score == 50
: Equal to $sentiment-score: 50
!= Not equal to $sentiment-score != 50
<> Not equal to $sentiment-score <> 50
> Greater than $sentiment-score > 0
>= Greater than or equal to $sentiment-score >= -50
< Less than $sentiment-score < -50
<= Less than or equal to $sentiment-score <= 0

Table 4. Supported comparison operators for datetime attribute types

Comparison operator Description Example
= Equal to $setup-time = "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
== Equal to $setup-time == "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
: Equal to $setup-time: "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
!= Not equal to $setup-time != "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
<> Not equal to $setup-time <> "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
> Greater than $setup-time > "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
>= Greater than or equal to $setup-time >= "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
< Less than $setup-time < "2023-01-01 00:00:00"
<= Less than or equal to $setup-time <= "2023-01-01 00:00:00"

Table 5. Supported comparison operators for timedelta attribute types

Comparison operator Description Example
= Equal to $duration = "5:00"
== Equal to $duration == "5:00"
: Equal to $duration: "5:00"
!= Not equal to $duration != "5:00"
<> Not equal to $duration <> "5:00"
> Greater than $duration > "1:00"
>= Greater than or equal to $duration >= "0:15"
< Less than $duration < "15:00"
<= Less than or equal to $duration <= "0:15"

Table 6. Supported comparison operators for uuid attribute types

Comparison operator Description Example
= Equal to $topic-id = "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
== Equal to $topic-id == "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
: Equal to $topic-id: "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
!= Not equal to $topic-id != "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
<> Not equal to $topic-id <> "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
> Greater than (by alphabetical order) $topic-id > "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
>= Greater than or equal to (by alphabetical order) $topic-id >= "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
< Less than (by alphabetical order) $topic-id < "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"
<= Less than or equal to (by alphabetical order) $topic-id <= "79705555-5c4d-46b4-987d-7257fe2ae23e"

Multi-value attributes

Some attributes may have multiple values, like attributes $topic-name, $participant-number, $user-name, $group-name, etc.

For example, when multiple topics are assigned to a call, then the expression $topic-name = "Payment language" will evaluate to TRUE when either of the assigned topics is "Payment language".

Another example is the $participant-number attribute. Every call has at least two participants, so the expression $participant-number = 1234 will evaluate to TRUE if either of the caller or called party phone numbers is 1234.

Comparing to a sub-expression

A call attribute can be compared to a sub-expression like:

  • $caller-number = (1234 OR 5679)
  • $sentiment-label = ("negative" OR "very-negative")

Comparing to another attribute

A call attribute can be compared to another attribute like:

  • $caller-number = $called-number

Combining an attribute match with a text match

MQL expression can include both text and attribute expressions, like:

  • "thank you for calling" AND $direction = inbound
  • (cancel NEAR order) AND $sentiment-score < -30