AI Insights
MiaRec AI Insights module allows you to analyze every calls and extract any insights from the conversation.
Example of AI insights:
- Reason for the call. AI Assistant can choose from one of the pre-defined options, or it can optionally create new options if the call doesn't fall into one of existing categories.
- Product information.
- Action items. What the agent must do after the call.
- Knowledge gap. Identify the questions that the agent was struggling to answer with certainty.
In fact Call summary, Sentiment analysis and Topic analysis are a subset of AI Insights.
AI Insights allow you to mine the data that is hidden in the conversation. If something was discussed during conversation, it can be extracted from it with AI Insights.
The extracted insights can be used for building the reports or loaded into the external BI tools for further analysis.
Use AI Insights in reports
You can use the extracted AI Insights in the reports, for example, build a report show a total of received calls for each reason for the call.