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Partial Reinstall, Database Component Only (Decoupled configuration)

In the event that a database becomes unavailable or corrupt, the following steps can be executed to reinstall the database instance and accomplish the following:

  • Reinstall the Database component

  • Restore Database (configuration, call metadata)

Prepare Ansible Controller Host

This might not be needed if the ansible controller was not affected.

This process prepares the ansible controller to provision the MiaRec Cluster. The ansible-controller can be a local machine, the All-In-One MiaRec instance, or one of the instances in a Decoupled MiaRec Cluster.

The process is described here

Prepare Target Hosts

This process prepares the database host to be provisioned.

The process is described here 2. Prepare target hosts

Configure Deployment

This process prepares the ansible inventory which defines how the cluster is provisioned. In this scenario, likely the only update will be to the db instance IP address, where a database service should be redeployed.

MiaRec Application versions are defined in this step. For successful restoration of the database in later steps, these versions must be the same or newer as the previously backed-up cluster.

Execute this process on the ansible controller.

The process is described here 3. Configure Deployment

Execute prepare-hosts.yml playbook to provision the server

This playbook installs all the required software dependencies for MiaRec applications, including the creation of an empty miarecdb database.

Execute Playbook

Execute these commands from the ansible controller.

cd /opt/ansible-miarec

ansible-playbook -i hosts prepare-hosts.yml


Confirm satisfactory completion with zero items unreachable or failed

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
miarec                :  ok=79   changed=42   unreachable=0    failed=0


The database instance will be provisioned with supporting software such as redis, pgbouncer and postgresql. The postgres user will be created and the database miarecdb will be created, however, there will be no data present.

Restore Database with pg_restore utility

The following commands need to be executed from the Database Instance. This will be the instance listed in the [db] group in the ansible inventory.

Execute pg_restore from db instance

sudo -iu postgres pg_restore -d miarecdb /path/to/backup_file

Let's break down those options:

  • sudo -iu postgres instructs the shell to execute the trailing command to run as user postgres, this is required for authentication.

  • pg_restore calls pg_restore utility.

  • -d miarecdb connects to database miarecdb and restores directly into the database, this should always be miarecdb.

  • /path/to/backup_file - the file to restore from, keep in mind this needs to be accessible by the postgres user account.


The database will be restored, you can verify by querying the database.

sudo -iu postgres psql -d miarecdb -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM calls;"

The count of all calls in the database should be returned.

[centos@miarecdb ~]$ sudo -u postgres psql -d miarecdb -c "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM calls;"
(1 row)

Run setup-miarec.yml playbook to modify the existing MiaRec Applications

This playbook installs and/or updates MiaRec applications. In this case, the only action that will be applied updates to the miarecweb and miarec configuration INI files, directing the applications to the new database IP address.

This should be executed only after the database is successfully restored.


MiaRec Application versions specified in the ansible inventory must be the same or newer as the previously backed up cluster.

Execute Playbook

Execute this command from the ansible controller.

cd /opt/ansible-miarec

ansible-playbook -i hosts setup-miarec.yml


Confirm satisfactory completion with zero items unreachable or failed

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
miarec                :  ok=79   changed=42   unreachable=0    failed=0


You should now be able to access the MiaRec cluster using the previously configured admin account, all configuration and call recordings should be accessible.

Restore License Keys

No Action is required. License keys are stored as database objects, and since the recorder was not changed, license keys are still valid.

Restore Audio Files

No Action is required, since the recorder was not modified, audio files should be intact.