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System Log Details Report


The System Log Details Report displays system error messages sent from different MiaRec components. You can examine the details of each message, including the date and time the error occurred and the component that reported the message.


Note, this report is accessible to:

  • a tenant/system administator for a single-tenant environment,
  • a system administator only for a multi-tenant envoronment.

System Log Details Report

Column Descriptions

Attribute Name Description
Date/Time Date and time the action occurred
Date Date the action occurred
Time Time the action occured

Defines the impact of the error/action on the system. Supported values:

  • Critical
  • Error
  • Warning
  • Info
  • Debug
Category Displays the system module's name
Source Displays the internal component name
Message The error message reported by the system
Location A unique identifier of the component that reported the error message