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Release 2024-04-30

Component Version
Web portal (miarecweb) 2024.4.30.0
Recorder (miarec) 2024.4.5.0 (not updated)
Screen recorded (miarec_screen) 2024.4.5.0 (not updated)
Live Monitoring (miarec_livemon) (not updated)
Screen capture client (not updated)

Minor changes

Add support of user auto-provisioning when extension is Agent ID

Add Call Disconnect Cause (relevant for some integrations)

Add Participants Timeline in Call Details

Add Twilio Flex integration

For multi-file recordings, playback each file individually rather than concatenating audio

Add fast forward/backward buttons for media player

Make audio player more compact

Add replication for tenant encryption keys

Improve User Eexperience (UX) for 2-step verification.

When user presses "Resend code", the same code is being sent rather than generating new one.

Add support of global speech engines

It is possible to run a tenant-restricted job with a global speech engine, like Transcription engine, AI Assistant or Auto QA.

Add advanced search for Transcription results (Admin interface)

Fix issues

Fix bug with "Delete" and "Bulk edit" buttons not working on Tenants > Advanced Search page

Fix bug with AI Assistant job always populating notes instead of custom fields

Occurs when a job is assigned to tenant, but the custom field is global.