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Ignore Metaswitch internal redirect numbers

Since Release 2018.05.15, MiaRec includes enhancements to some call recording scenarios in Metaswitch environment.

Navigate to Administration -> System -> Recording Interfaces -> SIPREC and configure your EAS / VM Admin Number(s) in the Ignore participants attribute like:

Ignore Metaswitch internal redirect numbers

Description of affected scenarios

When call is routed from the main ICM number to MLHG, the XML metadata in SIPREC packet contains VM Admin Number as one of participants.

Previous versions of MiaRec displayed the VM Admin Number (9999999992) in "From" column. The original calling number (70865XXXXX) was displayed in call details. It was non-intuitive to end-users.


Since Release 2018.05.15, MiaRec shows the calling number in "From" field. The VM Admin Number is not shown at all.
