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Firewall configuration

Open on the firewall the ports, which are used for accessing MiaRec from other computers on the network/Interenet

Open ports for MiaRec

MiaRec uses following ports, which should be opened on firewall:

Port Description
80 (TCP)

MiaRec Web-portal (HTTP protocol)

It is possible to change this port to other value during installation (for example, to 8080).

443 (TCP) MiaRec Web-portal (HTTPS protocol)

6554 (TCP)

Live monitoring (RTSP signaling).

If live monitoring is not used, then this port can be closed on firewall.

7000 - 7999 (UDP)

Live monitoring (RTP audio).

If live monitoring is not used, then these ports can be closed on firewall.

5070 (TCP) Cisco SIP trunk recording signaling (SIP protocol) - for Cisco UCM only
20000 - 21999 (UDP) Cisco SIP trunk recording media (RTP protocol) - for Cisco UCM only
5080 (TCP, UDP) SIPREC recording signaling (SIP protocol) - for SIPREC recording only
22000 - 23999 (UDP) SIPREC recording media (RTP protocol) - for SIPREC recording only
32000 - 33999 (UDP) Avaya DMCC recording media (RTP protocol) - for Avaya DMCC recording interface only
6091 (TCP) Screen recording controller, unencrypted (optional)
6092 (TCP) Screen recording controller, encrypted (TLS)