5. Verify MiaRec operation
Use web browser to access MiaRec web portal. Navigate to Administration -> Maintenance -> System Log to check the errors.
Configure appropriate recording interface in Administration -> System -> Recording Interfaces and make a few test calls. Verify that calls are recorded.
It is recommended to reboot the target machine and verify all services are up and running after system reboot.
shutdown -r now
PostgreSQL database:
* Redis cache (use ping command. It should print PONG if success):service postgresql-9.5 status
* Apache web server/opt/redis/bin/redis-cli ping
* Celery task managerservice httpd status
Centos 6 (init.d):
service celeryd status
Centos 7 (SystemD):
* Celery beat schedulersystemctl status celeryd
* MiaRec recorderservice celerybeat status
Centos 6 (Upstart):
initctl status miarec
Centos 7 (SystemD):
* MiaRec scree recordersystemctl status miarec
Centos 6 (Upstart):
initctl status miarec_screen
Centos 7 (SystemD):
systemctl status miarec_screen