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Report Template attributes

report_id (UUID, read-only)

Unique ID of Report Template assigned by MiaRec application when a report is created. Read-only.

This field is returned in GET request only. It is ignored in PUT and POST requests.

report_type (string, required)

A type of a report, available options:

  • calls_per_group
  • call_details
  • user_details
  • audit_trail_details
  • user_call_summary
  • group_call_summary
  • tenant_call_summary
  • tenant_details
  • call_summary
  • interval_call_summary
  • group_call_summary_w_drilldown
  • audit_trail_summary
  • system_log_details
  • system_log_summary
tenant_id (UUID, optional)

ID of the parent tenant's object. This field is available only when all the following conditions are true:

  • Multi-tenancy is enabled in the MiaRec application,
  • The REST API user belongs to the System tenant,
  • The REST API user has permissions to view the corresponding tenant, and
  • The report is not global.

If REST API user is a tenant user, and such a user creates a new report, then user's tenant_id is implicitely used as the report's tenant_id.

If a report is global, then tenant_id is null.

name (string, required, maximum 64 characters)

Name of the report

description (string, optional, maximum 4096 characters)

Human-friendly description of the report

user_id (UUID, optional)

ID of the owner of the report (optional).

If both user_id and tenant_id are null, then the report is global (i.e. visible to all tenants). If user_id is null, but tenant_id is not null, then the report is public within the tenant boundaries (i.e. visible to all users within such a tenant).

period (string, optional)

A period type for the report, available options:

  • last_24h
  • last_7d
  • last_30d
  • last_365d
  • today
  • yesterday
  • this_week
  • last_week
  • this_month
  • last_month
  • date_range
period_begin (datetime, optional)

Date/time of the begining interval of the report (when the period attribute is set to date_range). Format is ISO8601 with timezone, for example 2014-06-10T13:45:51+0800

period_end (datetime, optional)

Date/time of the ending interval of the report (when the period attribute is set to date_range). Format is ISO8601 with timezone, for example 2014-06-10T13:45:51+0800

timezone (string, optional)

Timezone setting to use when building the report. ALl date/time values and filtering criteria will use such a timezone.

For a full list of available attributes, check JSON representation at View Report Template