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Release 2025-03-03

Component Version
Web portal (miarecweb) 2025.3.3.12
Recorder (miarec) 2024.7.9.1 (not updated)
Screen recorded (miarec_screen) 2024.6.2.0 (not updated)
Live Monitoring (miarec_livemon) (not updated)
Screen capture client (not updated)

Major changes

Add Single Sign-On support for Microsoft and Google OpenID provider

Single Sign-On

Minor changes

Deleted the deprecated Broadworks XSI and LDAP-based user authentication

Metaswitch CommPortal user authentication is allowed for phone services only

For regular access, CommPotal-based authentication is not allowed.

Add support of parsing month names from the filenames during import

Fix issues

Fix issue with Celery stops processing tasks after Redis is restarted