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Release 2024-08-20

Component Version
Web portal (miarecweb) 2024.8.20.0
Recorder (miarec) 2024.7.9.1 (not updated)
Screen recorded (miarec_screen) 2024.6.2.0 (not updated)
Live Monitoring (miarec_livemon) (not updated)
Screen capture client (not updated)

Minor changes

Update export of Evaluation Reprots to PDF and Excel

Such report includes now Call Summary, Sentiment Score and other AI Insights.

Auto QA Export to PDf

Auto QA Export to PDf

Fix issues

Fix bug in AI Assistant tasks processing

If a conditional criteria is specified in one of AI Tasks and such a condition is not matched, the processing of other AI Tasks may cancelled.

Set a proper order in which AI Tasks are processed

The Auto QA task is processed the last in a chain. This allows users to user results of the previous call classification tasks ("Reason for the call", "Topic analysis", "Sentiment score") as a condition for Auto QA task.