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Cisco TAPI - Configuration

In MiaRec web UI, navigate to Administration -> System -> Recording Interfaces. In the Supplementary Interfaces section, click Configure next to Cisco TAPI.

Tapi Configuration

Make sure Enable Cisco TAPI interface is enabled.

Enable Cisco TAPI interface

Verify TAPI connection

In the Recording Interfaces window, click Status next to Cisco TAPI.

Recording Interfaces

In the Cisco TAPI recording status window, click the View Cisco TAPI devices link:

View Cisco TAPI devices

In the Cisco TAPI monitored devices window, you should see your Cisco devices that are being monitored by MiaRec application. A recording announcement works only for devices that are monitored by MiaRec!

Cisco TAPI monitored devices

If you do not see your devices in a list, then check the following: